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I Mean Yes, I Came Out Of One Of Those When I Was Born, But That Doesn't Mean I Want A Part Of My Anatomy To Go Back Into One. The six hours of time I had to wait until midnight at which time of night I could be buggered to within an inch of the elasticity of my anus by Tommy in some public toilets were among the most sexually frustrating of that day. “Tick! Tock!” went the clock in the room where I was. But after an hour it also in my head went to me “Tick! Cock!” because I was thinking about and waiting impatiently for cock. After another hour it then began to go in my head to me “Lick! Cock!” because I was thinking in more detail about what I was going to do to Tommy’s cock. In my head after an hour, other, then it began to go “Suck! Cock!” because while I enjoyed licking Tommy’s cock, the act of licking was a sexual stepping stone on the way to putting Tommy’s penis into my expectant and grateful mouth. It began then to go, another hour after “Fuck! Cock!” beca


Welcome To Straightville(age), a. “I’m going to work down a mine shaft!”, I spoke. “Yes. We all are. That’s where we are walking tuh (to) nah (now), lad. I’ve told yer (you) this seven times already this marrning (morning).”, spat back an old Yorkshire – with puddings in his lunch box and accent in his voice box to match (Yorkshire ones of those things) – miner. Admittedly my exclamation made it look as if this chapter picks up from where the one that came before it which was Two I think (chapter two, that is) left off. It doesn’t. It was the next morning. “I’m gay.”, I came out to the walking towards the mine group of miners. “Oh.”, most of them said. “I’d keep that to yourself, Donald”, said a miner who I had told my name to whom before he had just said this to me. (“My name is Donald”, I had said.) I thought this wasn’t particularly helpful advice, because I had just seconds previously not kept it to myself, but didn’t say this, politely. “You didn’t say that very polit


Welcome To Straightville. “Dad- sorry, I mean Father!” I corrected, myself, “Please stop doing this, I ask you!”  “Doing what? Handcuffing you to the interior door handle of my Subaru car so that you can’t escape from it while I drive you to a place far away where nobody minces and is gay and only do sex with women and where you’ll never and never be able to see and be gay with that Tommy faggot ever again and where, in time, I hope, your revolting bloody appetite for cock and balls and male bums will be replaced with a healthy heterosexual appetite for vaginas, breasts and female bums, because I have never approved of your being gay but the neighbours have started asking where you are and I’m running out of lies to explain your absence after I kicked you out of this house for being gay?” he taunted, meticulously. “Yes Father, that!” I confirmed. “No; I won’t stop it”, he meanly said, putting his car keys into the ignition of his car and turning them. The car’s engine roared


Welcome To Straightville. “Dad- sorry, I mean Father!” I corrected, myself, “Please stop doing this, I ask you!” “Doing what? Handcuffing you to the interior door handle of my Subaru car so that you can’t escape from it while I drive you to a place far away where nobody minces and is gay and only do sex with women and where you’ll never and never be able to see and be gay with that Tommy faggot ever again and where, in time, I hope, your revolting bloody appetite for cock and balls and male bums will be replaced with a healthy heterosexual appetite for vaginas, breasts and female bums, because I have never approved of your being gay but the neighbours have started asking where you are and I’m running out of lies to explain your absence after I kicked you out of this house for being gay?” he taunted, meticulously. “Yes Father, that!” I confirmed. “No; I won’t stop it”, he meanly said, putting his car keys into the ignition of his car and turning them. The car’s engine roared t


Healing What Wasn’t Right In My Life At That Point About an hour after the break up I then realised that Tommy had thought I was talking about him instead of Gregory, and that I really should have been more specific and mentioned Gregory by name and given some context to my reply to Fiona, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. So I found Tommy on the other side of the playground and explained what had happened, and he understood and agreed to go back out with me again and apologised for the misunderstanding and then kissed me.


Back To The School I Go To (I’m Above The Age Of Consent So Don’t Worry About The Last Two Chapters) I had been so busy being gay over the last day and a half that it came as a surprise when Tommy’s mother and father knocked on our door on Monday morning. It was what Tommy’s father then said that was surprising rather than the knock itself. This is what he said: “Time to get dressed and go to your classes at school, boys.” was what he said. Tommy’s mother smiled and nodded simultaneously for a bit. I didn’t have any clean clothes of my own or a backpack or school supplies or homework that I was due to hand in that day. Luckily for me Tommy kept spares of all of these items and so gave them to me to use. “Thanks.”, I said, “Tommy.” I said. “You’re absolutely”, he replied, “welcome, Donald.”, he replied. We arrived at the school holding hands because Tommy had taken my right hand in his left hand or his left hand in my right hand – I can’t remember on which side of me he was