
Showing posts from October, 2017


Welcome To Straightville. “Dad- sorry, I mean Father!” I corrected, myself, “Please stop doing this, I ask you!”  “Doing what? Handcuffing you to the interior door handle of my Subaru car so that you can’t escape from it while I drive you to a place far away where nobody minces and is gay and only do sex with women and where you’ll never and never be able to see and be gay with that Tommy faggot ever again and where, in time, I hope, your revolting bloody appetite for cock and balls and male bums will be replaced with a healthy heterosexual appetite for vaginas, breasts and female bums, because I have never approved of your being gay but the neighbours have started asking where you are and I’m running out of lies to explain your absence after I kicked you out of this house for being gay?” he taunted, meticulously. “Yes Father, that!” I confirmed. “No; I won’t stop it”, he meanly said, putting his car keys into the ignition of his car and turning them. The car’s engine roared